Los suplementos de arándano pueden ayudar tanto a prevenir como a tratar infecciones en el tracto urinario y a disminuir la inflamación en todo el cuerpo como antiinflamatorio natural. La ingesta de suplementos de arándano también ayuda a reducir los problemas renales y a eliminar los radicales libres para prevenir un daño mayor. También promueven la salud en general al estimular su sistema inmunológico debido a su alta fuente de vitamina C.
Esta planta medicinal tiene una potente y amplia actividad antiviral e ingredientes activos que actúan fortaleciendo el sistema inmunológico y aumentando las defensas, protegiendo así a las células de los ataques virales. Además, la equinácea se puede utilizar de forma preventiva, durante tres o cuatro semanas en los momentos de mayor riesgo.
Multivitamin Plus gives you a whole pack of key nutrients, including B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C and E. Vitamin B helps support your immune system, cardiovascular and neurological systems. Vitamins C and E help promote tissue growth and repair as well as your muscular system and healthy vision. This dietary supplement is ideal for you to achieve an adequate…
Multivitamin Silver supplements help promote heart health with vitamin B and support your eyesight with vitamins A, E, and C. Taking this multivitamin supplement daily also improves your brain function and bone health with calcium and vitamin D. A combination of more than 12 nutrients helps support your whole overall body health and wellness and maintain a healthy appearance.
This wellness & energy shot provides in a single dose, a great number of vitamins and antioxidants greater than would be obtained by taking them in another way. The immune system protection that vitamin C provides together with the anti-flu properties of ginger root, the antiviral and antibacterial shield of Echinacea and the sweet antibacterial and antioxidant power of honey,…
Vitamin C is natural blood thinners. This vitamin has been shown to strengthen capillary walls and prevent plaque build-up which leads to poor blood circulation. For overweight individuals, blood vessel constriction may cause blood pressure in the body to rise which can lead to being at a higher risk for heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. Taking a daily dose…
Rose hip is also used for stomach disorders including stomach spasms, stomach acid deficiency, preventing stomach irritation and ulcers, and as a "stomach tonic" for intestinal diseases. Vitamin C is natural BLOOD thinners. This vitamin has been shown to strengthen capillary walls and PREVENT plaque build-up which leads to poor BLOOD circulation. For overweight individuals, BLOOD vessel constriction may cause…