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Digestive Tract Problems? Top 6 Benefits of Probiotics that will Blow your Mind

In today’s junk food covered world, about 50% of the global population suffers from digestive tract problems. And due to their menacing history, we believe that all bacteria are bad news. However, many scientists believe that bacteria could actually be the solution to most bowel problems. Finding the right bacteria can come in handy in solving plenty of bowel problems for you. 

Probiotic is a supplement that contains live bacteria with an ability to prevent and eliminate major illnesses in your body. It’s famous for promoting a healthy digestive tract, boosting your immune system, and improving some mental health conditions. If you constantly have an upset stomach; getting diarrhoea, stomach allergies, and obesities, or even suffering from the inflammatory bowel disease, then this is the right solution for you. 

Probiotics are commonly friendly, good for your health. That’s why they are referred to as good bacteria. Having a wide range of benefits; they help maintain the bacterial balance in your stomach. In this article, you will learn about the wonderful things that probiotics can do for you and how to access it. 

Probiotics can Prevent and Treat Diarrhea 

The greatest benefit of probiotics globally is its ability to aid with diarrhoea problems amid people. It is commonly used among children more than adults. Many trials done by experts have shown that Lactobacillus GG can significantly shorten the infection of diarrhoea in toddlers. Amongst adults, studies have shown that bacteria have the potential to reduce the duration of infectious diarrhoea by a period of up to 25 hours. 

If you start experiencing after taking antibiotics, probiotics are the right solution for you. Antibiotics have a tendency to negatively affect the balance between the good and bad bacteria in your belly. However, you should remember that effectively depends on the type of probiotic taken. 

It Helps Balance Bacteria Levels in your Digestive System

By now, perhaps you understand that there are two types of bacteria in your body: the good and the bad. However, it may not be apparent to you how the two types of bacteria relate with each other, and which is good for your body. Here is the main difference. 

Comparatively, there are only a few bad bacteria in your body. The ratio is usually 17:3. That is 85% of good bacteria and 15% of bad bacteria. Most of these bacteria lie within your guts helping you break down your food. However, if there is an imbalance, you can end up facing consequences such as having digestive problems, allergies, mental issues, and even obesity.  

It Reduces the Severity of Allergies and Eczema 

Other interesting discoveries by scientists is the ability of probiotics to reduce and prevent allergies and eczema in children. A study documented in the journal of the National Centre for Biotechnology Information reported that the children of women who took probiotics had an 83% lower chance of developing eczema in their first two year period. 

Although there is still no scientific explanation to prove the link between the live bacteria and eczema scientists are still amazed by the results. Children fed probiotic-supplemented milk show improved symptoms of eczema, while adults experience reduced inflammatory reaction to milk and dairy allergies. 

Probiotics Reduce Symptoms of Particular Digestive Disorders

Across the US only, over 3 million people suffer from an inflammatory digestive disease. Probiotics have shown great potential in countering against these illnesses. According to researchers, certain types of probiotics from the bifid bacterium and Lactobacillus strains are extremely helpful in improving symptoms of mild ulcerative colitis.

Probiotics also help in reducing other bowel-related problems such as Irritable Bowel Disease associated with cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhoea or constipation, or both. For infants, the risk of severe necrotizing enterocolitis is reduced by 50%. This is a condition that can cause symptoms such as retinal damage in newborns. 

It Helps you Reduce Weight and Belly Fat

Probiotics, just like other supplements, do not burn calories for you. However, it can help you reduce weight and belly fat through indirect means such as preventing the absorption of dietary fats and helping you feel full, therefore, making you burn more calories and store less fat. 

A study made on women on a diet to lose weight, the ones who took Lactobacillus rhamnosus lost 50% more weight in only 3 months. In another study, people took an even lower dose of Lactobacillus gasseri got an 8.5% reduction in belly fat in only 12 weeks. Remember, it’s crucial for you to know the right probiotic for you before you begin the dosage to lose weight. Not all probiotics aid weight loss. 

It can also Boost your Immune System

Being a good bacteria, probiotics also helps you boost your immune system by boosting and inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. Other types of probiotics have been able to sponsor the production of natural antibodies in the body. This is by helping the production of immune cells such as IgA-producing cells, T lymphocytes, and natural killer cells. 

In a case study performed on 250 children, it was found that Lactobacillus GG drastically reduced the severity and frequency of respiratory infections. In women, Lactobacillus crispatus has shown to reduce the chances of infection in the urinary tract.